PresenterTitleTypeSession nameDateTime
Angela WebsterHow should we screen for coronary artery disease in patients on the transplant waiting list?SymposiumKidney symposiumSunday 16 June10.15
Andrew BrodzeliAccess to kidney transplant waitlisting for NSW mental health service usersOralMini orals session 1Sunday 16 June16.50
James HedleySex differences in cardiovascular risk and kidney function: serum creatinine versus cystatin cOralFree communications 4: sex, gender and transplantationMonday 17 June9.40
Karen WallerInfection transmission risk from kidney donors with active Hepatitis B: a systematic review and meta analysis of observational DOralMini orals session 2Monday 17 June9.40
Angela WebsterKidney transplant waitlist outcomes after decline of first deceased donor kidney offer: a datalinkage study 2006-2019OralFree communications 7: transplant epidemiologyMonday 17 June15.35