
“Want to participate in real world research that directly impacts people and policy?

Consider a CODE internship. CODE research interns will work with a team of expert supervisors. You will learn many useful and transferrable research skills including information management, study design and administration, database management, data entry and cleaning, data analysis and synthesis and report drafting. The applicant will also develop skills in preparing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.  The successful applicant who contributes well will be rewarded with co-authorship on any resulting publications. There may be opportunities to develop and extend intern projects into further projects suitable for honours, capstone projects, or research degree work. Preference will be given to applicants who contact CODE to discuss the role in advance of application.

Options also available to join the CODE team as part of MD projects, honours projects or electives.

“I thought that the team at CODE (Centre for Collaborative Organ Donation Evidence) were just fantastic. They did a great job at supporting me grow my generic research skills, challenge me with new skills,
and support me in presenting at conferences and ultimately produce work of publishable quality.”
– MD student feedback

Email: code.admin@sydney.edu.au