Other CODE Publications (no specific project)

Interventions for improving health literacy in people with chronic kidney disease

Low health literacy affects 25% of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with increased morbidity and death. Improving health literacy is a recognised priority, but effective interventions are not clear.This review looked the benefits and harms of interventions for improving health literacy in people with CKD.

See full text here: Interventions for improving health literacy in people with chronic kidney disease

Life Years Lost in Children with Kidney Failure: A Binational Cohort Study with Multistate Probabilities of Death and Life Expectancy

In children with kidney failure, little is known about their treatment trajectories or the effects of kidney failure on lifetime survival and years of life lost, which are arguably more relevant measures for children. In this population-based cohort study of 2013 children who developed kidney failure in Australia and New Zealand, most children were either transplanted after initiating dialysis (74%) or had a preemptive kidney transplant (14%). Life expectancy increased with older age at kidney failure, but more life years were spent on dialysis than with a functioning transplant. The expected (compared with the general population) number of life years lost ranged from 16 to 32 years, with female patients and those who developed kidney failure at a younger age experiencing the greatest loss of life years.

See full text: Life Years Lost in Children with Kidney Failure: A Binational Cohort Study with Multistate Probabilities of Death and Life Expectancy

Patient and kidney transplant survival in type 1 diabetics after kidney transplant alone compared to simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant

We aimed to determine any benefits of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant compared to kidney transplant alone from a deceased donor (D-KTA) or from a living donor (L-KTA)in people with ESKD and T1DM in Australia and New Zealand.

Find full text here: Patient and kidney transplant survival in type 1 diabetics after kidney transplant alone compared to simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant

Prevalence of anal cytological abnormalities and high-risk human papillomavirus prevalence in kidney transplant recipients: A cross-sectional study

We have conducted a cross-sectional study at a large transplant center in Australia to assess the feasibility of screening for anal cancer in kidney transplant recipients.

Find full text here: Prevalence of anal cytological abnormalities and high-risk human papillomavirus prevalence in kidney transplant recipients: A cross-sectional study