On 4th August 2020, Sydney Health Partners’ Renal Stream presented NSW Has (Scientific) Talent – a competition which aimed to virtually showcase and support the ongoing nephrology clinical and basic science research occurring across New South Wales by Early Career Researchers. Of the many abstracts submitted, 2 of the 3 shortlisted for the clinical research competition were from the Centre for Organ Donation Evidence: Brenda and Nicole!

Brenda presented her work “Verification of suspected melanomas in deceased organ donor referrals: a population-based cohort study using data linkage, 2010-2015”.

Nicole presented her work “Sex differences in mortality among people with end-stage kidney disease: Do women always live longer?”.

Each had to present for 10 minutes and respond to 5 minutes of questions on a webcast watched across New South Wales. Both presented incredibly well on an unfamiliar platform, and after judges deliberation, Brenda won the prize! She will receive $1500 to support attendance at a nephrology conference of her choosing. Nicole as runner up will receive $500. 

We are incredibly proud of both of them, showing resilience and grit adapting to new ways of disseminating research work in a COVID-world and showcasing important work. A richly deserved success.