From left: Prasad Ravi, Nick Cross, Angela Webster, Merryn Jones and Johanna Birrell

Congratulations Nicole De La Mata for recieving “Runner Up” in the Kidney Health Australia (KHA) Clinical Science Award Session for presentation “Sex differences in cardiovascular risk and kidney function: creatinine vs cystatin c“

Above – Johanna Birrell presenting ASSET NZ Geographic variations in the epidemiology of kidney failure in Aotearoa New Zealand

Above – Prasad Ravi presenting ASSET NZ Mental illness in patients with kidney failure in Aotearoa New Zealand: a descriptive analysis

Above – Angela Webster presenting “Data for equity in transplant access and outcomes”, showcasing our ASSET NZ projects!

Above – Nicole De La Mata presenting “Waitlisting dynamics for kidney transplantation in Aotearoa New Zealand: suspensions, transplantation and deaths“

Above – Rachel Cutting presenting Values , preferences, and risk tolerance of people waitlisted for kidney transplant: a systematic review